Julia Krahn
ST. JAVELIN, Street in Gaios/ Old School Lakka

ST. JAVELIN is the latest photographic project by Julia Krahn in which the artist invited Ukrainian refugees in her studio to tell about themselves through a series of unique shots and to testify their condition through touching interviews (readable at www.juliakrahn.com/st.javelin).

ST. JAVELIN is the name of a Saint born in war, inspired by the missile “Javelin” sent to Ukraine in support of the resistance, it has become the symbol of the Patroness Madonna. Just the paradox of a mother holding a weapon, death instead of life, was the engine that brought Julia Krahn closer to Ukrainian women.The only weapon that the artist intends to use is empathy, hence the choice to insert a self-portrait in the project.

The artist has in his hands his weapon, the button of the camera and invites the refugees to do the same, describing their weapons of daily resistance, made to build and never to destroy. A mother would never choose war for her children.

“I’m not talking about the war, its impossible reasons to exist or who’s keeping it burning, but the people who are suffering it. Regardless of thought, position or status, they fled to save their children and left their husbands behind. In addition to propaganda there are real people. Each one with his own story. I welcome in the studio those who want to share theirs.” (JK)

The project was born in collaboration with the Municipality of Sorrento and the cultural association Festivà.


installation views
photoprints on wallpaper and nautical sheet

photos: Katie Rae